Bosco's Garden Center

4" Reiger Begonia

4" Reiger Begonia

Regular price $5.99 USD
Regular price Sale price $5.99 USD
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Flowering begonias, also known as Rieger begonias, are beautiful flowering winter plants with creamy blooms in bright yellows, reds, pinks, and even white. They are fast-growing, and typically bred to bloom during the winter season and sold as disposable plants; the idea is to enjoy the bloom and throw them out after the season is over. But you needn't follow this rule: You can grow Rieger begonias year-round and enjoy their blooms next fall

 Botanical Name Begonia x hiemalis
 Common Name Rieger begonia
 Plant Type Annual, unless in zones 10-11, or kept inside
 Mature Size 12"-18" tall and wide
 Sun Exposure Partial
 Soil Type Well-drained
 Bloom Time Winter, but can vary
 Flower Color Orange, yellow, white, or pink
 Toxicity Toxic to pets, livestock, and humans
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